Home / Summer 2016 134
- Double Tow
- Checking Wind Speed
- Kars Station
- End of Ground Tow
- All Out
- Ready for Hook Up
- Peace Out
- Off They Go
- Rope Tricks
- Time Keeper
- New Canopy Cover on IAK
- Thumbs Up
- Silly Glider Pilots
- Grob Launch
- Landing on Rwy 08
- CPL3
- IMG 7570
- IMG 7571
- 100 Ft on Tow
- 2-33 and Pilot Ready to Go
- Good to Go
- West End of the Field
- Empennage
- Tow Rope
- IMG 7641
- Button of Rwy08
- Air Speed Indicator (ASI)
- View of the Rideau River
- 2-33 On Tow
- IMG 7686
- Ulli's Hat
- IMG 7720
- Loading RHJ Wing on Trailer
- Spider in an ASI
- Keeping a Good Lookout
- PIK-20 on the Launch Point
- Gord's First Flight in PIK-20
- Lean and Mean
- F18 Instrument Panel
- PIK20
- BMK Launch
- Happy Glider Pilot
- Nice Landing
- IMG 8109
- IMG 8081
- Advancing Cold Front
- IMG 8088
- IMG 8139
- Rain
- Taking Cover
- IMG 8120
- Reminder to Always Keep a Good Lookout
- Attaching Canopy
- Happy Glider Pilot
- What's That Down Below?
- Ground Operations
- Corinthian Leather Seat
- Well Trimmed
- On Final
- Two Schweizers
- CPL3 Looking North
- Hero Shot
- CPL3
- Bridge Over Rideau River
- Student Pilot
- Look Up
- Puchacz Above
- Thermalling With Puchacz
- On Tow
- Thermalling Puchacz
- The intros from Ayatana Artistic Research Program
- Grob Number 2 on Final Rwy26
- IMG 3278
- Two (2) Gliders on Final Rwy26
- 2-33 Thermalling
- IMG 3099
- Big Sky
- IMG 8583
- IMG 8569
- IMG 8483