Home / Summer 2017 151

- Photo Recce Flight
- Landmark - Bend in Rideau River
- Early Spring Colours
- IMG 0261a
- IMG 0417a
- IMG 0213a
- IMG 0122a
- IMG 0212a
- IMG 0116a
- IMG 0298a
- Mayfly 2017 - Waiting for launch
- Mayfly 2017 - Getting everything just right
- Final check-over
- Can't forget the chute!
- Snug as a bug in a rug
- Relax, focus.
- And they're off...
- Farm visit
- Kars Station 13Apr17
- Kars Station 3Jun17
- Daily Inspection (DI) of Grob
- Fill Her Up
- Back to the Launch Point
- Flight Debrief
- Hotel Gulf Whisky
- Pre-Launch Checks
- New Canopy on Puchacz
- Instructional Flight
- Puchacz Canopy Hinge
- First DI of Puchazc After New Paint Job
- Positive Control Check
- Passenger Carrying Check Ride
- Photo Bomb
- Big Knobby Knees
- Spoilers
- Pull Number 1
- Refuelling Tow Tractors
- Pull Number 2, 3, ....
- Empennage
- New Paint Job
- Beautiful
- New Looking Puchacz
- Red Wing Tips
- Puchacz Canopy
- Pipes and Stripes
- Attaching Tow Rope
- All Gliders Tied Down
- Hand Held Radio
- Wednesday Flying
- A Quick End to a Gliding Day
- Puchacz Tee Shelter
- Jim Landing the Tow Plane
- What is the Wind Speed?
- No Flying in the Morning
- Interesting Composition
- Wet Fields
- Wet Fields
- On Tow
- Pachacz Landing
- Small Ring
- Back Seat View
- Land Out
- RCAF Roundel
- Challenger II Ultralight
- Pusher ...Not a Puller
- Yellow Hazard Flags (RAA Fly In)
- Launch Point Rwy26
- Saturday 15 July 2017
- A Man With His Glider in an Alfalfa Field
- Landing Area
- Blue Thermal Day
- Grob on Tow
- Libelle 201
- In a Thermal
- Hanger Row
- West End of Field
- Rideau River
- Glider Launch
- Start of Glider Launch