Home / Summer 2014 123
Pictures from the 2014 flying season.
- Solo Take Off
- Solo Landing
- Formation Take Off
- Congratulations
- Happy Glider Pilot
- Baptism
- Happy New Tow Pilot
- Daily Flight Record 25May14
- Cool Pipes
- Fresh Looking Panel
- Joe Cool
- Take Up Slack
- Onward and Upward
- Big Smiles
- Shiny Spinner
- Busy Runway
- IMG 2830
- IMG 2904
- IMG 2895
- IMG 2825
- IMG 2920
- IMG 2950
- IMG 2931
- IMG 2963
- IMG 2971
- IMG 2925
- IMG 2975
- DQK on Final
- Wing Walker
- Welcome to the Airfield
- Lookout Scanning Technique
- IMG 3053
- Beautiful
- IMG 3056
- IMG 3061
- Whimsical Cirrus Clouds
- Kars Airfield Below
- Assemble RHJ8
- New Windsock
- 1 Spitfire Tugs
- Pretty Q's
- Smiths Falls Airport
- Proud Dad
- Happy Glider Pilot
- IMG 4975
- Two Friday Flyers
- Peace Out
- Andre Ready to Launch
- Pensive
- 7200 ft ASL
- Schweizer 2-33 Model
- CT134A Beech Musketeer
- BBQ2
- BBQ1
- Village of Mountain Ontario
- 100th Flight
- New Battery Mounting Bracket
- Rope Dance
- Gord Gregg On Final
- Puchacz on Final Rwy 26
- Glider Pilot with her Glider
- Flight Sheet
- IMG 3369
- Two Thumbs Up
- 2-33 on Final
- Walk Around
- Post Flight Briefing
- Map Recce
- Checked Out on the 2-33
- Post Flight Brief
- Brother, Sister, and Nephew
- Bike Ride to the Field
- Fill'er Up
- SOSA Glider Simulator
- SOSA Glider Simulator
- SOSA Glider Simulator
- Glider Launch in Condor
- Mid Course BBQ
- BBQ Preparation
- SOSA Beverage Fridge