- DQK on Final
- Welcome to the Airfield
- Beautiful
- Kars Airfield Below
- New Windsock
- On Tow
- 2-33 and Pilot Ready to Go
- West End of the Field
- Button of Rwy08
- What's That Down Below?
- Corinthian Leather Seat
- CPL3 Looking North
- CPL3
- On Tow
- River Bend
- Landmark - Bend in Rideau River
- Early Spring Colours
- IMG 0261a
- Kars Station 13Apr17
- Kars Station 3Jun17
- All Gliders Tied Down
- A Quick End to a Gliding Day
- Puchacz Tee Shelter
- What is the Wind Speed?
- No Flying in the Morning
- Interesting Composition
- Challenger II Ultralight
- Pusher ...Not a Puller
- Yellow Hazard Flags (RAA Fly In)
- Launch Point Rwy26
- Saturday 15 July 2017
- A Man With His Glider in an Alfalfa Field
- Hanger Row
- West End of Field
- Rideau River
- Glider Launch
- Start of Glider Launch
- Rideau Valley Air Park (CPL3)
- IMG 3898
- About to Turn Final
- Brown
- Setting Up at Runway 08
- Pilatus
- February 21
- Hangers End Of March
- Panorama AIrfield March 2024
- GrassCutting
- Rolling The Runway
- Powered Hang Glider
- Impromptu Tour
- Retrieval Activity