- DSCN0541
- DSCN3987
- IMG_9009
- Standing Around the Water Cooler
- Happy Glider Pilot
- New Seat Cushion
- Wing Walker
- Rain
- On Final
- Two Schweizers
- August Rain
- 1-34 Landing
- GQ Man
- Bananas About Soaring
- 1-34 Sharing The Sky With The Grob
- Up To The Clouds
- Brennan Turning On To Final
- Brennan Takes Off
- DUZ Thermal
- DUZ Landing
- Moon at 3-O'Clock
- 1-34 on final
- Devinder getting ready for launch
- Devinder landing the 1-34
- Michaela landing the 1-34
- Dave M landing
- Straps
- 1-34 Ready To Go
- Blake Landing The 1-34
- Great conditions
- IMG 0002 - Lightened
- Peter Szmidt CFDUZ
- 1-34 Landing