Home / Summer 2018 110

- New Tost Release
- New Tost Release
- Annual Check Flights
- Grob Rigging Crew
- More Grob Rigging
- North of Kemptville
- Applying Gap Seal Tape
- Good Thermal
- Applying Gap Tape
- Gord and Paul
- Greasing Pins
- Your Wing..
- New Glider on the Field
- Take Up Slack
- Getting High
- IMG 0181
- About to Turn Final
- Brown
- Steve L in the LS-4, Mayfly
- Gord G. Mayfly
- Grob in a gaggle - Mayfly
- Gord L looking chill in his Pik
- Mark and Fiona taking off - Mayfly
- Mark explaining....something.
- The Grid
- The grid - Mayfly
- RVSS does Mayfly
- Waiting for launch
- Hangar full of Gliders
- Oscar Papa
- Beautiful Roof Trusses
- Birds of a Feather
- Gord G's Jantar 2
- Hangar Talk
- Sign Here
- End of Day Paper Work
- Thumbs Up from the Front Seat
- Grob Canopy
- Starboard Wing
- Kemptville Down Below
- Happy Glider Pilot
- Yellow Bird
- Maryna Tsybulska just after her first solo christening
- Done...Done...and DONE
- RVS Hurrying Back to the Field
- DQK Heading for the Hanger
- August Rain
- Working On Back Seat Checkout
- Self Service
- Sylvain Larue at 2018 SAC Nationals
- Sylvain and PZQ
- Dave Marcotte (Aug 23/2018)
- Dave Marcotte (Aug 23/2018)
- New Arrival (P1010240)
- Front Cockpit (P1010241)
- Mass Balance on Elevators (P1010249)
- Check Ride (P1010251)
- Main Wheel of Glider (P1010246)
- Krosnos Ailerons (P1010245)
- Krosno Landing
- Grob All To Himself
- IMG 1051
- Selfie With Steve
- Too Cool
- A Happy Glider Pilot
- Landing on Rwy08
- A Happy Tow Pilot
- Attaching Tow rope
- Take Up Slack....
- Gord Sprinting
- Release Check
- Still Running the Wing
- Wing Runner
- Before and After
- The Journey Log
- 1-34 Landing
- Tail Wheel
- The Clean and Jerk
- GQ Man
- Bananas About Soaring